A change in the secretaries of two Central Provincial Ministries
2022 May 13
© Central Province Media Unit
Letters regarding the appointment of new secretaries for the Central Province Ministry of Health and Central Province Agriculture Ministry today (13) morning at the Central Provision Governor's office. Delivered to them by Mr. Gamage. Mrs. Sujatha Wijesinghe, who was the secretary of Central Province Ministry of Agriculture, has been appointed as the new Secretary of the Central Province Health Ministry so far. She is also one of the senior officials in the central province. Senior State Officer Mr. Pasan Rathnayake appointed the new Secretary for the Central Province Ministry of Agriculture. Before he appointed the post, he held the Additional Secretary to the Central Government Ministry of Agriculture. The Governor Gamage who commented here insisted that government officials should be more careful about acting responsibly and honestly in this season where people watch vigilantly. Also he also demonstrated the importance of solving problems with senior state officials in friendly with his staff and the public. The Governor emphasizes that the government officials have a great responsibility to understand the challenges facing the country correctly and make the right proposals and lead them to action by the officials and implementing them. Did it Provincial Chief Secretary Gamini Rajaratne, Provincial Governor Secretary Anton Thilakaratne and Provincial Director of Health Services Specialist Dr. Nihal Weerasuriya were also together on the occasion.